“Man” Points

Things work a little differently around here than they do in most households.  My husband does all the cooking, and I’m the handy”man.”  Traditional gender roles have no place in our home and that works just fine for us.

He cooks because cooking is cathartic for him; a way of unwinding after a hard day at work.  He creates magnificent, technically demanding, beautifully plated meals on weeknights.  My go-to meal if it’s my turn to cook is baked beans on toast or tortellini from the freezer. Not exactly fine dining.

I’m an engineer who spent a lot of my childhood fixing thing with my dad, took drafting, wood shop and metal shop at school and loves nothing more than pushing buttons or taking things apart.  On the other hand, my husband was raised by a single mom who worked two jobs so he didn’t have the opportunity to learn basic “man” skills.

Our activities this afternoon exemplify our relationship.  I’ll tally up the “man” points as we go along.

Put together the new BBQ: +15

…but read the manual: -5

…while sitting on a pink stool: -1

…while drinking beer: +5

…that I brewed myself: +15

Total: +29 “man” points

Here’s my husband’s talley:

Went grocery shopping: -1

…for fancy veggies: -2

…and meat: +5

…which he sliced and marinated in a homemade sauce: -2

…while drinking wine instead of beer: -5

…and watching car racing: +5

…then created fire and BBQ’d a delicious dinner: +10 points

Total: +10 “man” points

Despite his appalling showing in the “man” points stakes, he’s still the man I love most.  Screw gender roles.  We’re partners. We work well together and our individuals strengths make us a damn good team.  Thank goodness we live in 2010 where I can go to work and not have to cook dinner.  Because if I were expected to conform to traditional gender roles, we’d both starve.

Second Summer

Although we got married six months ago, my husband and I have not yet had a honeymoon.

Ok, that’s not totally true. We had a one-day honeymoon at the Intercontinental in Sydney.  One incredible day of peace amongst the wedding madness. We ordered room service, drank champagne and enjoyed the view. It was glorious and heavenly, yet fleeting.


My parents, who had already been living with us for a month, stayed for another two months. As much as I love my parents, I never envisioned spending my first months of married life under the same roof.

Six months later we’re having a proper honeymoon. We leave in three days and I can’t wait!

Now I should really get back to studying. I have an exam the day before we leave!


My husband only recently discovered Microsoft Paint.  That plus boredom plus pictures of our dogs make for an hilarious combination.



















Honeymoon Help

Althought we got married in December, we haven’t gone on our honeymoon yet.   The plan is to visit family in the US for a week, fly into London to meet up with friends for a few days, spend FOUR WEEKS (!!) in France, swing by Barcelona then come back to Sydney via Hong Kong.  We leave mid-June.

So…do you have any tips on where to go and what to do in France, Barcelona and/or Hong Kong?  I’d love to hear your suggestions!

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Blogging for lazy people.  Works for me!


Things I love

I’m not one to attach sentimental value to things.  I’ve moved 7 times over the past 10 years and as a consequence have become adept at culling my stuff to the point where I’ve developed a hatred of stuff and things.  If it’s not useful or it doesn’t make me happy, I don’t want it in my home.  That’s not to say that I don’t like any things.  There are plenty of things that I like.  Here are a few I’d like to share with you.


I got this bear for my 16th birthday.  He has notes on him from my aunts, uncles and cousins.  The bear was something tangible to remind me of my family on the other side of the ocean.  Now that I’m only 1,000 k’saway I get to see them far more often.   My grandmother passed away in 2002, just a few years before I moved to Sydney.  She would have been so happy that I moved here. 





 These are the shoes I wore on my wedding day.  Peep-toed slingbacks make me happy, but throw some blingy jewels on them and I’m elated.  I keep them on the stairs so I can see them every day. 





 This picture makes me laugh every time I look at it.  I found it at a weird store in Tokyo.  It came in the frame and we carefully transported it home in our carry-on luggage.  My mom took it off the wall when she was visiting but we promptly took it out of hiding when she left.

Stick what in my eye?

Advice from lady mags is often laughale but I found this gem from MSN lifestyle hilariously terrifying.

Don’t have an eyelash curler on hand? You can use a sturdy plastic spoon instead, says Mary Lisa. Just press the curved end into your eye socket so the edge flips up your lashes, then swipe on your mascara.

Stick a spoon in my eye socket?!?  No thank you!

Remote Control

A remote control for your cat is available at ThinkGeek

“Simply point at your cat, press buttons on the remote and hope for the best.”


Alas this is not a miracle device.  The website says, “No batteries required – powered by wishful thinking.”

I sent this to my husband for a bit of a laugh.  He sent back this:


It’s the Slosydney remote control!  All the middle buttons are unnecessary of course because I’m programmed to do them anyway.  They are an insight into my daily life.  Except the drink champagne button.  That’s a weekend thing.  

My favourite button:  Get off Crack.  Ha!

I Am Gonna to Make it Through This Year if it Kills Me.

We’ve been going through a lot of changes at work lately.  Redundancies, acquisitions, outsourcing, organisational structure changes…needless to say things are pretty tense and hectic.  Fortunately – or unfortunately, I haven’t figured out which yet – I still have a job.  And for the same amount of pay, my workload has tripled.  Woohoo!  Your sarcasm meter should be going off the charts at that exclamation. 

Although I’ve known about my new responsibilities for about a month now, it’s only just hit me how much work I have to do this year.  And when I say just hit me, I mean that about 30 minutes ago I woke up, came to this realisation, booted up my laptop, did a half an hour of work and am now blogging about it.  It’s 2:30AM. 

As if the increased work load weren’t enough to keep my busy, I’m also doing two masters courses at uni next semester instead of the usual one.  So two nights a week I’ll be attending lectures and the other nights I’ll slogging through the reading and working on assignments.

Ever the optimist, I can see one bright spot in this year that will help ease the pressure of all this hard work: our honeymoon.  If I manage to survive until June I will be rewarded with 4 romantic weeks in France.  When my eyes have turned rectangular from staring at spreadsheet after spreadsheet or when I’m pulling an all-nighter to finish an assignment, I can take a moment to daydream about wine, patisseries, chateaus and museums and maybe, just maybe, I’ll make it through the year.

Slosydney needs…

I typed my (real) name into Google followed by the word ‘needs’ and these are the results:

Slosydney needs…

  1. to have a good reason or incentive to participate
  2. your help!
  3. plenty of exercise
  4. to come to Illinois
  5. a temporary foster home
  6. open space and a friend
  7. a little introduction
  8. another rock
  9. some washing powder
  10. some buddies

This is more accurate than most horoscopes.  Try it.  What do you need?