Tag Archives: design

Project Hallway Update

Nearly three months ago I posted about my hallway.  It’s been set up for ages now but I only just got around to taking photos of it.  The pictures will remain propped up on the table until I can get my hands on a hammer drill.  So without further ado…the hallway!


The San Francisco poster that was originally going to go there lives in the upstairs hallway where I took the Monet print in the pink frame from.

You like?

Around the House

I got a little snap happy the other day.  Here are the results of my picture-taking spree:

1.  Stair characters: Murderous Bear, Evil Monkey, Jack and Squirty Fish.


2. Anatomically Correct Dog guarding the chalk atop the pantry. 

Atop the Pantry

3.  My favourite lamp, flower photo from a friend, and picture frame with pictures of strangers.  One day I’ll get around to puting our photos in.  We found this lovely piece of furniture on the side of the road!

Silver Corner

Yesterday we spent hours and hours scraping concrete off our floorboards.  Yeah, I can’t figure it out either.  Oh the joys of owning a really old home.


Yet another rainy day in Sydney. Will it ever stop? Nope. Not for another two months apparently. I know we need the rain, but come on! It’s Summer!

The fiance was on call this weekend so he spent all day Saturday and most of Sunday on the phone in the office (aka the living room). I moped around the house hoping that his phone would stop ringing so we could actually do something, but alas the calls kept coming. We had planned on finishing painting the kitchen, a job I started months ago, but I couldn’t muster the motivation. Instead, I decided to do something creative.

The framing shop called on Saturday to let me know that the Boston print was ready, so I popped over to the mall to pick it up. I also visited the arts and craft store to pick up a canvas, some brushes, and a set of acrylics in primary colours (cost: $31). We can’t afford proper artwork and the kitchen needed a bit of colour, so I created my own!


I’m quite pleased with how it turned out. I must admit though, I didn’t come up with the design myself. I copied a painting that has been in my inspiration folder for a while. I should post that image here for comparison, but it makes my crappy copy look, well…like a crappy copy.

Now the white and brown kitchen has an injection of some much needed colour. It’s pretty big (28″ x 28″) and will look nice on the big blank wall above the table.

*Not only is watermelon a tasty colourful fruit, it is also the name of a book by one of my favourite authors, Marian Keyes. She’s a funny Irish author who creates brilliant characters. Her books are not what you’d call serious literature, but they make for very entertaining and heartwarming reading. Do yourself a favour and pick up one her books for the next time you’re home sick in bed. A good book beats watching Judge Judy reruns any day of the week.

JFK is in my living room

A few months ago I put together a few ideas for the living room. This was my first attempt at using paint.net so it’s not very pretty. LivingRoomIdeas

Since I did this I’ve completely changed my mind about what I want in the living room. The items that actually exist in the room are the ugly green/brown sofa, the TV, an entertainment centre that looks similar to the one above, and a silver lamp.

A few things have changed since I did this. We got a new glass coffee table and hung two prints that my fiance had framed. How do I design a colour scheme around these things?
JFK It’s Time Whitlam Poster

I’m thinking we keep Kennedy in the living room but move Whitlam elsewhere. These posters make it pretty obvious for visitors to determine which way we lean politically.

Designing by compromise is so difficult. When I lived by myself everything was just the way I liked it. When my fiance moved in he brought with him a few hundred (or thousand) books and big posters that he insists on displaying. I think I got off fairly easy considering what some girlfriends have to put up with. Thank goodness his love of Star Wars hasn’t translated into a collection of dork-related paraphernalia !

Project Hallway

In my introductory post, I mentioned that I’d post on projects we’re doing around the house. We don’t have much time in our busy lives to take on large projects at the moment, so I’m starting small until that time magically materializes.

The latest project on the agenda is the hallway. I’ve been slowly gathering bits and pieces for the past few months and will hopefully be able to put them all together as soon as a poster is finished at the framing place. Here’s a poorly put together paint.net mock up of the items to be included.


List of items (clockwise from upper left)

  • Dog Butt hooks for the dog’s leashes from IKEA (pink for Girl Dog, green for Boy Dog).
  • F*CK print of a little girl from Loft in Tokyo. We bought it in a white frame with a light pink background. This is quite possibly my favourite poster ever.
  • San Francisco and Boston posters from Ork Design. My fiance grew up in Massachusetts so I got him the Boston one for Christmas. It’s currently at the framing shop. The San Francisco one just became available again and is hopefully on its way across the Pacific.
  • Glass console. At the furniture store near my work, they cost $400. I got mine on eBay for $60!!
  • Storage boxes for sorting mail from Kikki-K.

So, what do you think? Too much? Not enough? I’ll try to take a photo when the posters are framed and hung.